Saturday 30 January 2016

Image Analysis

Fig. 1. Fingerprint Man (1951)

Figure 1. Steinberg, S. (1951) Fingerprint Man. [Illustration] At: (Accessed on 30.01.16)

This image by Saul Sternberg depicts a portrait of a man constructed from fingerprints which suggests that a person's biological makeup is the primary contributor to their overall identity. Apart from the suit and tie that the figure seems to be wearing, there is very little suggestion of any external factors which may have had an influence on this individual. Thinking about how this image relates to my essay, it suggests that it supports the idea of essentialism though the concept of the genetics of this person being shown as external qualities. The only other potential concept I can draw from this is that the opposite has occurred and through the suit being shown as fingerprints, this person had adopted the way they choose to present themselves apart of their internal identity. I think this option is less likely because I don't understand why the face would also be shown with a  fingerprint. However, it does show to potential, opposing concepts to the image. 

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