Tuesday 7 October 2014

Study Task 1 - You Are Not A Gadget

You Are Not A Gadget - by Jaron Lanier 
(Library Reference: 306.24 DEW)

This book looks into the effect developing technology has on our society and behaviour in present day and explores what the future holds for humans if technology continues to develop at this rate. I find this a really interesting and controversial topic and I think this book will be useful to me as there are numerous ways I could link this to illustration. You could argue that the creative industry has excelled massively due to developments in software and collaboration between creative minds across the globe is now possible thanks to social networks and various communication methods. However, we have to question whether technology and the internet is inhibiting individual creativity, stifling our natural curiosity of the world outside and weakening our ability to interact with each other as human beings. 

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