Wednesday 5 November 2014

Illustration Lecture Notes

Pictures at work / Illustration in action / Emotional experience in image

What is illustration?
  • ‘illumination’ shining light on something and making it clear
  • It is not illustration unless it has a function and meaning/message

Aesthetics can communicate as well as content (the aesthetic of the media and the way it has been applied) For example, Jillian Tamaki has used her media very sensitively, emphasising the fragility of these creatures as she tackles the issue of trafficking animals for a piece in the National Geographic magazine. 

A bolder approach to image making has been used for these signs by Lance Wyman for the US National Zoo Washington, they are direct and to the point. 

'Strategic image making, used within the context of visual communication to convey meaning or concept.’

Illustration is a result of the overlap of context, image and concept. 

Illustration communicates with a specific tone of voice. 

Malika Favre for Vogue Japan 
Elegant, glamorous, sexy, sleek - things that readers of Vogue aspire to be like. 

Mouk by Marc Boutevant
Charming, playful and colourful appealing to children and imaginative minds. 

Michael Gillette for Penguin Books / James Bond
Nostalgic and contemporary, they echo imagery from the 60s and 70s - the time period where the James Bond movies were begin released.

Drew Millward for Gallows
Intense, insane, busy, energetic and anarchic - fitting in with the genre of the band. 

Illustration can communicate an explicit message whilst also conveying subtle and abstract ideas through visual aesthetic and functional visual symbols. 

Illustration is a job
BUT… don’t wait to be hired or commissioned, collaborate with others, start projects and produce your own work. Illustration has never been so exciting. 

Illustration can communicate an idea or notion like no other medium…

Emotional impact

John O’Reilly QUOTE

John O'Reilly - Varoom, Autumn 2014

Illustrators are the people filling in the gaps, they are producing something that never previously existed. They create. 

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