Saturday 7 March 2015

Direction for Visual Diagram

During a chat with matt in the studio, we identified two potential routes for my cop project to go in. The first was about the isolation illustrators may experience when they are working freelance either from home or in a studio just for themselves. This led on to topics of feedback and the value of communication between creative people and how important these things are. 

The other idea was looking into the value of work that only exists in a digital cloud. This borders a philosophical debate of whether digital work actually exists or not and whether it can be valued and fallen in love with as a physical artefact can. I think there is more mileage in my first topic because it provides a starting point for some character based work and narratives. I think I will find it more interesting doing a diagram about this rather than the second topic. I also think it will be more relatable to the people I am presenting to and I can incorporate my own ideas and opinions into my research.  

Ideas for a visual diagram showing...
  • Why feedback matters.
  • Educational theories - Kolb’s learning cycle. 
  • The dangers of working alone. 
  • The dangers of working in your home environment (procrastination).
  • The many stages of procrastination.

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