Thursday 11 February 2016

Mindmap and Hotdog Books

I was unwell for the session last week so I have been catching up on the work for that. I spoke to Pete and he told me the task from the session and that I needed to make five hotdog books by the next session. I chopped up parts of my essay and used them as part of this mind map to help me identify themes and possible directions for a publication.
From this, I thought of five concepts for my hotdog books....
  1. Cultural appropriation. A fashion book/magazine that openly sells clothing labelled as cultural appropriation. 
  2. Building your identity (post-modern theory). A step by step guide. 
  3. Breaking down nationality stereotypes. Using photography and fact files to build up characters of people that don’t match initial perceptions. 
  4. Things society never questions. Highlighting the bigger questions that nobody really asks, including where did the concept of race come from.  
  5. ‘All experience is local, all identity is experience.’ A reportage project following the life of someone through imagery and how their experiences has shaped them as an individual. 
After making these books I have gone off the idea of the fashion magazine. I think it is cliché and the issue has been tackled many times before in similar ways. I want to push myles with the project and I think going down this route would lead to a very ’safe’ outcome. Saying that, I think the book based on the things society never questions might touch a few nerves with some people, I will need to see what feedback I get on these ideas as I am struggling to know whether it is appropriate or not. I think the reportage book idea based on Taiye Selasi’s quote ‘All experience is local, all identity is experience’ might be too vague. I have used photos from my own life to make this mock up so I think it might be too personal if it was to be distributed as a publication. 

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