Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Pecha Kucha Feedback

I am glad my Petcha Kucha presentation is over, I felt nervous about standing up and talking in front of the group but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I feel a lot better about my plans for my visual diagram now after receiving some feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of my current ideas. I agree that I was being too literal with my visual metaphors so looking at a more abstract idea might work better and give the viewer an opportunity to work it out by themselves. I also agree that the idea of a 'creative hermit' is a strong concept to work with so the next step for me is to start planning how my poster will look and function. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Pecha Kucha Presentation

(found image)
1. My essay was about how the digital age has affected creative practitioners. Some of the positives of the digital age include the introduction and improvement of digital software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, and on the business side of things, travel is less of an issue as they can communicate easily by using the internet and work can be sent anywhere in the world with the touch of a button. 

(my own image)
 2. Producing work through digital means raises the question of its actual existence and value. Are you really making something if it only exists in a digital cloud? As creatives begin to move away from making a handmade artefact, they are becoming more reliant on technology and machinery to do the making for them which arguably is removing the personal touch from their work.

(found image)
3. Positives of the digital age have driven more people towards freelancing because people you need to connect with are still within reach via the internet. Money can also be a reason why people want to avoid working for large companies, along with the convenience of choosing your own hours and workload. 

(found image)
4. The freelance lifestyle, especially when working from home, can cause a deterioration in face to face human interaction. When your job is to communicate imagery or the written word, it raises the question of how someone is meant to communicate an idea through their work when they are not upholding standard human communication skills.  

(found images)
5. Isolation is the topic I have decided to progress with. It links to today’s social acceptance of using the internet as a main point of communication which can lead to people becoming recluses or beginning to feel awkward about actual face to face interaction. 

(found image)
6. The autonomy of being self employed can lead to workaholism and the inability to balance a work and home life effectively. The isolation involved in working from home can lead to depression in extreme cases. Studies show that self-employment has very few health benefits with self employed women having worse health than women with more traditional jobs. 

(my own image)
7. Working at home also has other downsides such as not having someone around to ask for an opinion or bounce ideas off. Sometimes you need a reality check before you start taking a project off at a tangent centred around your own views. When working for a client or audience, your work needs to conform to what they require from you and this is why feedback is important. Its difficult to admit when working alone that what you are doing isn’t working and it often takes a fresh pair of eyes to notice that you need a change in direction. 

8. Kolb’s learning cycle helps to explain the importance of feedback. Feedback is needed to form an ongoing reflection of your work, which in turn, will give you the opportunity to find areas for improvement. Taking a step back from what you are doing allows questions to be asked, problems to be raised and positives to be commended. 

(found image)
9. Working with and around people can be inspiring, but being inspired by the world is difficult if you're not out there experiencing it. Although being in the right place at the right time is not something to base a career on but going to events, meeting people and making connections is a lot more promising for new opportunities arising than spending time alone. 

(found image)
10. Psychologist, Rick Norris, says that when people work exclusively from home, they may begin to lose some of their social skills and a lack of small talk will make them feel more isolated. Having no-one to share work problems with can lead to demotivation, stress and anxiousness and they may find it more difficult to act normally in social situations because their social skills have deteriorated.

(my own image)
11. This gouache painting is about the isolation working from home can cause. It shows the home environment as significantly smaller than the rest of the city and in a darker area suggesting unhappiness. The city, in comparison represents a healthier environment where people are working together in a more sociable way. 

(my own image)
12. This is a short narrative about receiving feedback on a piece of work and it is particularly relevant for if you are working for a client and need to please them with what you are producing. Yes you can put your own personality into the work but it is ultimately about meeting the needs of their brief, for which feedback is essential. 

(my own image)
13. This drawing is about being over reliant on the internet for communication. Allowing yourself to only make contact with other people through typing a message means you cannot have the same connection as a face to face conversation and your message can be misinterpreted much more easily. 

(my own image)
14. This is a drawing of a creative hermit which speaks about how when working from home, it can be tempting to stay in and focus on your work and nothing else. In a discipline such as illustration it is important to keep having new experiences, stay in touch with the world around you and let it inspire you. 

(my own image)
15. This drawing shows the result of a lack of face to face communication with other people. It shows one person feeling alienated in a social situation because they have been alone for so long that they are struggling to fit into these surroundings. This could be a result of general loneliness or getting too used to using technology for communication. 

(my own image)
16. My visual diagram will be showing the effects of isolation on freelancers working from home. I am not just focussing on people in the creative field because numerous articles I have read on this topic have been about journalists and copywriters, so as a generalisation, it will be about people freelancing from home who rely on their computer for their job. 

(my own image)
17. Working with topics like isolation and depression means there is a risk that this poster could have a gloomy atmosphere and this is not what I want. I am aiming to produce a visual diagram that tackles these issues but doesn’t turn people away from working from home but makes them aware of the social dangers of this lifestyle, hopefully encouraging them to stay sociable.

(found image)
18. I am inspired by this diagram showing the layers of the earth because it is shows factual information but in a friendly and lighthearted way. The image works in harmony with the limited text to get straight to the point, making the information easy to absorb.

(found image)
19. This image by Gemma Correll is inspiring my thought processes at the moment. I like her humour and how she turns a stressful situation we all experience into something we can find amusing because it is so relatable. 

(my own image)
20. These are some initial ideas for the layout of my poster. I want to keep my main points to a minimum and I am thinking around five at the moment but this may change. The first two revolve around the image of a home and the second is based on the idea of living inside your own little bubble. 

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Plan for Petcha Kucha

Introduce and explain

1. My essay was about how the digital age has affected creative practitioners.
Digital software – we are expected to know how to use photoshop
Ease of communication
Sending work anywhere in the world with the touch of a button

Self promotion is made easier through a personal website and rise of social media

2. Has digital work got less value if it only exists on screen?
Are we moving away from actually leaving a handmade artifact and relying on technology to actually do the making?
Does the work only exist in a digital cloud?

3. Deterioration of face to face human communication
How can you communicate messages through your work if you are not keeping up your standard human communication skills?

4. Positives of the digital age have driven more people towards becoming freelance
Controlling your own time and choosing your own jobs

5. Isolation is the topic I have decided to progress with
It links to todays social acceptance of using the internet as a main point of communication

My understanding and argument

6. A freelance lifestyle, particularly when working from home can cause isolation which then, in extreme cases, can cause depression.
It also has other downsides

7. Importance of feedback
Not having anyone around to ask for an opinion or bounce ideas off could mean that your work starts to become more self indulgent

8. Kolbs learning cycle
Why feedback is needed
Explain the cycle
Experiential learning

9. Working with and around other people can be inspiring, even a chat over a lunch break can spark an idea.
Also being in the right place at the right time is not something you should rely on for work but it is unlikely potential clients will actually come knocking at your door.

10. Communication skills will deteriorate
Psychologist statement from article
People can become socially awkward.

Speculative drawings

11. Loneliness and isolation

12. Importance of feedback

13. Reliance on the internet

14. Lack of human interaction

15. Communication skills

Where am I going with this?

16. My visual diagram will be showing the effects of isolation on freelancers
Not just sticking to people in the creative field because numerous articles I have read have been about journalists and copywriters, etc.

17. What I want the diagram to be like
Tone of voice
Purpose – not turning people away from the freelance lifestyle but encouraging them to be more sociable

18. Work/artist I am inspired by (Gemma Correll?)

19. Work/artist I am inspired by

20. Final word and other aims for diagram

Friday, 3 April 2015

Drawing is Thinking Sketchbook Task

I found this task really challenging to get going with - I didn't understand what I was trying to achieve with this sketchbook so i just started drawing to see what would happen. At first, I found myself just drawing people and other relevant things but as the task progressed, I think I got more meaning across in my drawings.

This drawing shows how most creative practitioners now show their work online rather than showing physical pieces, in a portfolio for example. 

Drawings of digital files looking sad because they feel like they're not worth anything - this was conveying the question of whether digital artwork will ever have as much value as a physical artefact. 

This was inspired by Pawl Kuczunski's illustration I had been analysing as part of my essay. This resembles the digital age strangling and restricting creativity. 

I started drawing these little comic strips about receiving feedback. I think they get the message across in a blunt and humorous way. 

I was looking at how to make the home environment appear lonely and isolated in comparison to where people are working together, in a city for example. I experimented a lot with this idea, mainly with gouache, wax and pencil crayons. 

These drawings are about how our computers can sometimes be our main form of communicating with others. 

Thinking about loneliness and isolation, I thought about the term 'hermit' and started drawing hermit crabs but making them look like they has a creative profession. 

These drawings are about networking and making connections with others. This is when I was exploring what people can do to make sure they don't start to feel isolated when freelancing from home.  

These drawings have got things clearer in my head about my next steps. They have informed my plans for my Pecha Kucha and I will be using some of these images in my presentation. I particularly like the 'creative hermit' idea and I think this has a lot of potential. I also like the idea of having a guide to avoiding isolation as an idea for my visual diagram. 

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Further Research

After identifying a route for my visual diagram and seeing the different areas I could look into, I continued with more research into loneliness and depression amongst freelancers. This research was mainly in the form of newspaper and online articles because it is a topic that has been covered quite  a bit in recent years. I went through this information and highlighted points I thought were relevant. Reading some personal accounts of feelings of isolation as a result of going freelance gave me another viewpoint on the situation that I hadn't really explored before. It made the topic seem more personal and sometimes a bit upsetting to read about how they were feeling. I need to be wary of my poster being really downbeat because I don't want it to be really negative. I think adding in humour (not to offend) and maybe taking a twist on how I approach the subject may lead to a more lighthearted outcome with a more serious underlying message. 

Making things clearer

Writing out this diagram made the point of my presentation clearer to me. I have been drawing in my sketchbook but didn't feel like I was actually being specific enough with my aims so I hope that from now onwards, I will have clearer intentions for my drawings. I think this diagram will also come in useful when planning out the structure of my presentation as it lists the main points of my arguments, they just need refining and supporting with appropriate imagery.