Thursday 2 April 2015

Further Research

After identifying a route for my visual diagram and seeing the different areas I could look into, I continued with more research into loneliness and depression amongst freelancers. This research was mainly in the form of newspaper and online articles because it is a topic that has been covered quite  a bit in recent years. I went through this information and highlighted points I thought were relevant. Reading some personal accounts of feelings of isolation as a result of going freelance gave me another viewpoint on the situation that I hadn't really explored before. It made the topic seem more personal and sometimes a bit upsetting to read about how they were feeling. I need to be wary of my poster being really downbeat because I don't want it to be really negative. I think adding in humour (not to offend) and maybe taking a twist on how I approach the subject may lead to a more lighthearted outcome with a more serious underlying message. 

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