Saturday 4 April 2015

Plan for Petcha Kucha

Introduce and explain

1. My essay was about how the digital age has affected creative practitioners.
Digital software – we are expected to know how to use photoshop
Ease of communication
Sending work anywhere in the world with the touch of a button

Self promotion is made easier through a personal website and rise of social media

2. Has digital work got less value if it only exists on screen?
Are we moving away from actually leaving a handmade artifact and relying on technology to actually do the making?
Does the work only exist in a digital cloud?

3. Deterioration of face to face human communication
How can you communicate messages through your work if you are not keeping up your standard human communication skills?

4. Positives of the digital age have driven more people towards becoming freelance
Controlling your own time and choosing your own jobs

5. Isolation is the topic I have decided to progress with
It links to todays social acceptance of using the internet as a main point of communication

My understanding and argument

6. A freelance lifestyle, particularly when working from home can cause isolation which then, in extreme cases, can cause depression.
It also has other downsides

7. Importance of feedback
Not having anyone around to ask for an opinion or bounce ideas off could mean that your work starts to become more self indulgent

8. Kolbs learning cycle
Why feedback is needed
Explain the cycle
Experiential learning

9. Working with and around other people can be inspiring, even a chat over a lunch break can spark an idea.
Also being in the right place at the right time is not something you should rely on for work but it is unlikely potential clients will actually come knocking at your door.

10. Communication skills will deteriorate
Psychologist statement from article
People can become socially awkward.

Speculative drawings

11. Loneliness and isolation

12. Importance of feedback

13. Reliance on the internet

14. Lack of human interaction

15. Communication skills

Where am I going with this?

16. My visual diagram will be showing the effects of isolation on freelancers
Not just sticking to people in the creative field because numerous articles I have read have been about journalists and copywriters, etc.

17. What I want the diagram to be like
Tone of voice
Purpose – not turning people away from the freelance lifestyle but encouraging them to be more sociable

18. Work/artist I am inspired by (Gemma Correll?)

19. Work/artist I am inspired by

20. Final word and other aims for diagram

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