Friday 1 May 2015

Visual Diagram Planning - Feedback from Richard

  • The idea of using scarcest could be funny if written well and as long as its clear its making a joke. 
  • 'A diagram of a creative hermit' is a good title to go with. 
  • Think about how to make this visual and not just a list of information.
  • Ideas for imagery and metaphors: hermit crabs, shells, shell spirals...
It was good to get some feedback on my ideas so far and I feel more confident with progressing with the idea of a creative hermit now. I had said in my Pecha Kucha that I wanted to base the diagram about all professions who work from home but now, I think it is best to keep it more specific so that the texts stays more relevant to a smaller group of people rather than vaguely relevant to a large group of people. 

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