Sunday 3 May 2015

Visual Diagram Development

Main points
Get feedback.
Talk face to face.
Avoid workaholism. 
Don't be a hermit. 
Learn new things. 
Divide your work/home life. 

Started planning what it could look like based around the idea of a shell but before continuing with roughs for my layout, I researched some shells and did some drawings from them.

These are my further developed ideas for the layout of my visual diagram. I like how there is a clear start and end to the diagram with the title in the top left and the image of the hermit in the bottom right. The rest of the information floats around the centre. 

Ideas for drawings that will fit with my text, illustrating the main points mentioned above. I will draw my best ideas out again and will scan them in to add them to my visual diagram on Photoshop. I am trying to keep my drawings simple so I stay on track with the meaning behind them and don't get too caught up with overcomplicating the imagery. 

I did a few media tests and found that I really liked brush. I think the speckled effect it gives in some of these samples would be appropriate to show the surface texture and pattern of a shell or the hermit crab itself. 

Rough draft

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