Sunday 25 October 2015

Establishing a research question

Suggested Research Question
Is cultural diffusion changing the way we identify ourselves as individuals?

Module Resources Relating to my Question
Barthes, R. (1968) 'The Death of the Author', London, Fontana. 
Carr, E.H. (1961) 'What is History', Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Other Academic Sources 
Lecture Notes from 15/10/15 (The Flipped Classroom) - specifically the distribution of the sensible.
Baggini, J. 2011. Is there a real you? [Online]. November 2011, Manchester. [Accessed 28 October 2015]. Available from:
Walker, A. 2011. 2011. Defining your identity (Part 1 of 3). [Online]. October 2011, Phoenixville. [Accessed 28 October 2015]. Available from:
Selasi, T. 2014. Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local. [Online]. October 2014, Rio de Janeiro. [Accessed 24 October 2015]. Available from:
Joseph, S 1993, 'Identity, Culture and Community', Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 28, No 17, pp. 807-809. Available from: [Accessed 28 October 2015]

How could this be investigated through practice?
Showing how our local surroundings are not entirely local. 
Go out into the world and explore reportage illustration, focussing on things from various cultures which all exist in the same surrounding. 
Think more metaphorically about the concept, taking ideas from other processes which require different parts to come together to make one thing, recipes for example or construction manual. 
Maybe twist the concept around to show what our modern world would be like if we had very little or no influence from other cultures - considering products, language, customs, etc. 

Peer Feedback
Maybe reflect on language and how that helps to define us? Not just the language itself but the way that it allows us to relate to each other? Regional differences in dialects, colloquialisms? 
The argument of 'does it matter'? If we're all raving about equality and how we should be judged by what's on the inside, is it hypocritical in some way to then expect to be defined by a nationality? 
What IS nationality? Just where we are from geographically or where we've experienced society/culture that's had an impact on us? What am I talking about? Why all the questions? I don't know. 
Self identity is such a personal thing, is cultural diffusion not just about nationalities or whatever but also about sub cultures that we associate ourselves with and whatnot? Relating to music and fashion and all sorts?
I found this:

1 comment:

  1. Maybe reflect on language and how that helps to define us? Not just the language itself but the way that it allows us to relate to each other? Regional differences in dialects, colloquialisms? Am I making this worse..? Haha.
    The argument of 'does it matter'? If we're all raving about equality and how we should be judged by what's on the inside, is it hypocritical in some way to then expect to be defined by a nationality?
    What IS nationality? Just where we are from geographically or where we've experienced society/culture that's had an impact on us? What am I talking about? Why all the questions? I don't know.
    Self identity is such a personal thing, is cultural diffusion not just about nationalities or whatever but also about sub cultures that we associate ourselves with and whatnot? Relating to music and fashion and all sorts?
    I think I'm making this worse so maybe I should stop...
    I found this:
    It might be totally irrelevant....
