Friday 2 October 2015

Historical, Social, Technological, Cultural and Political

These are the words we came up with relating to the themes during the task in the studio.

From this I am starting to get a few ideas, mostly around cultural and social themes. Politics and history are probably my two weakest areas and technological is something I want to avoid a bit because this is what my context of practice module was based on in level 4 and I want to research something new and different this year.

Definition of historical:
  • Concerning history or events in the past
  • Based on or reconstructed from an event that has already happened
  • Something that once existed in reality, as oppose to something mythical
Definition of social:
  • Seeking or enjoying the companionship of others
  • Relating to human society and its organisation, especially a body divided into ranks or classes
  • relating to life, welfare and relations
Definition of technological:
  • Relating to or using technology, science or industry 
  • Dealing with the creation and use of technical means
  • When scientific knowledge is applied for practical purposes
Definition of culture:
  • The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
  • The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society
  • The attitudes and behaviour characteristic of a particular social group (drug culture)
  • Maintain in conditions suitable for growth (the cultivation of plants)

Definition for political:
  • Relating to the government or public affairs of a country
  • Interest or activity within politics, exercising or seeking power in the government or public affairs 
  • Of or relating to citizens 

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