Friday 13 November 2015

Planning and Structuring an Essay

What do you need to write an essay?
Facts, opinions, statistics, quotes, reference system (Harvard), images, primary and secondary research, main body, introduction, main body with separate main points, conclusion, structure, agenda, focus, time management, editing, footnotes, topic, theme, question, argument, bibliography, grammar, computer, points of view, analysis, well written, will power, third person, a plan. 

What do I already have?
Computer, agenda, question, topic, theme, argument. 
I also have some research, quotes and the forming of an argument but these need more work. 

What are my priorities now?
Primary and secondary research, a more structured argument, quotes, a plan.

What are my next steps?
Expand this essay plan to break down each section into individual points and subsections. 
Do more research to help the development of my main points. 
Find quotes to relate to the points in my essay and add them to the essay plan. 
Harvard reference the sources as I research to avoid a panic at the end!

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