Sunday 20 March 2016

Peer Feedback - Megacrit

The feedback I received consisted of positive comments and suggestions for improvements which I really appreciated. I understand it is hard to get the full story of someones entire project from just a few minutes looking at their work so I can see why some of the comments seem quite broad. 

 The positive comments were focussed around the possibilities available to me with this topic, my consideration of audience and how the simplicity of my drawings is still allowing me to convey a message. The suggestions however mainly revolved around media choices which is something I haven't really considered at all yet.

My Response
I think my project is starting to narrow down into a clearer idea for my publication but I know I am not there yet. I need to do more research for this book and my essay to see what else I can find to influence the development of my project. Narrowing my ideas down will help me to be more focussed with my research.

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