Friday 11 March 2016

Peer Review

What am I doing? Why? How?
  • Exploring the concept of nationality and whether it has a place in modern day and the future. 
  • Looking at identity and how people choose to define themselves, whether nationality/race is an internal or external factor. 
What developments have there been?
  • Exploring the wider topic of things that society never questions. I want to keep this based around the race/nationality theme. 
  • Aim to provoke thoughts of the people reading the book and get them to form their own opinions on the topic. 
  • Or, deconstruct the concept of nationality through words and imagery to make people see how it is an invented idea. 
What research methods have been used?
  • Books, the internet, essays, photography.
  • I think I need to do more primary research in the form of photography or interviews and surveys. Maybe look at case studies.
How do these link to the production methods?
  • Not decided on a clear production method.
What am I going to do next?
  • Clarify a concept for my book, keep producing visuals to explore the topic. 
Any Cop3 interests?
  • I don't like this topic anymore and I can't see myself wanting to continue with it next year. At the moment I am really interested in my OUIL505 research, maybe looking into psychology, wellbeing or the creative brain. 
Action Plan
[Week 1 - 14th March] - Get a solid idea for my publication, get feedback on it on Friday's session. 
[Week 2 - 21st March] - Sketchbook drawings to help development of publication. 
[Week 3 - 28th March] - More reading and finding quotes and information to add to my essay. 
[Week 4 - 4th April] - Continue with essay alterations. Solid plan for publication. 
[Week 5 - 11th April] - Producing final imagery. 
[Week 6 - 18th April] - Catch up with any loose ends. Make sure blog is up to date. Evaluation.

I found I received very little feedback today. Only one person other than myself was contributing to group discussion which was disappointing, especially as we were already familiar with each other’s projects and I made an effort to try and get a good understanding of everyones projects and tried to give constructive feedback. The task of planning what I was going to say to explain my essay and publication ideas was actually more useful than the peer review. It clarified some things in my mind such as methods of research I should be using and a potential rewording of essay question. 

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