Tuesday 10 January 2017

Final Book

(The physical copy of this has been submitted.)

I think the decision to make a final product instead of just proposing my product range on presentation boards has worked well to finalise the project and bring it to a conclusion. Putting a price to the image makes it clear that these products are for sale and the inclusion of the text on the back ties this in to the selling of values which synthesises with my essay. 

I think the mockups themselves look professional although I wish I had given myself more time for the printing and binding process. The rush in the print room meant that the pages were printed on thinner stock than I would have liked and I think this hindered the binding process and made the stitching looser than I had wanted it to be. Although I feel my time management for this project has been okay, I didn't take into consideration how busy the college facilities would be towards the end of the project - this is something to consider for future modules, especially when the digital print facilities are concerned. 

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