Thursday, 5 January 2017

Final Images

After my linocut printing session, I tried to mimic the process of mis-aligned prints using the lightbox and tracing over photos of different designs of telephones and cameras. After some experimentation, I had four of each object to select the best from. I then painted these selected designs using gouache, painting block shapes in three colours, making decisions about light and dark to show form and the separate components of the object. For the keys I used a simpler process as they are much less complex shapes. I did this by eye, making decisions about shape from looking at reference material found online. I then used the lightbox again to draw the outline with brushpen on a separate sheet of paper in case of any mistakes. I selected the line I thought worked best for the image and combined them on photoshop.

(All work mentioned here is evidenced in physical submission - selected developmental work.)

Final Images

I am really happy with these outcomes. I wish I had given myself enough time to do more than three objects but I think this is enough to get across my idea for the project. It could always be proposed that there would be other designs to fit into the same range. These outcomes achieve what I was aiming for, they show he confusion and distortion that relates to dementia but the images are still clearly recognisable and marketable. I have received really positive feedback from my peers in the studio and I suppose they fit into my target audience so thats a good sign! aI now need to look at altering the colour of these images, making patterns and applying them onto products. 

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