The main points I want to show are that the issues are being sold and that the products will exist as part of people's every day lives, in the home environment.
I am going to make a small product catalogue after having such positive feedback on my mockup in the crit. The design is going to be kept simple, the main point of it is to showcase the products.
I think a small description or tagline is important because I have already established from talking to people throughout my project that the concept needs to be made clear. This could feature on the inside cover or on the back cover. I suppose the back cover makes the social issue feel more like an afterthought - which kind of represents the idea of my project that the products take priority over the issue. I took inspiration from my early sketchbook research into brands selling an idea.
Ideas for description...
You can enjoy these beautiful products safe in the knowledge that you have done your bit to support people suffering with dementia.
Socially conscious products.
Distorted Memories is proud to raise awareness of dementia.
We want to make a difference. Working together. Support people.
'By choosing the Distorted Memories range, you’ve chosen to support people suffering with dementia.
You can enjoy these socially conscious products safe in the knowledge that you are making a difference.'
I decided a while ago on the name 'Distorted Memories' as a kind of working title for the project. I'll change this to 'The Distorted Memories Collection' for the final book as it makes it more commercial. It still makes sense once the concept is explained but it would be interesting to see, when complete, how many people question the meaning of it at first glance.
The book will feature between 8 and 12 mockups of my designs on products and a product name underneath. I had a bit of a dilemma over including prices, catalogue numbers, etc and thought process would be best as it drives home the idea that these are for sale. I'll try and so a bit of research into pricing the relevant products but this isn't really a priority. I just want the price range to reflect the audience - a middle ground price range, not a luxury product but not budget either.
I have been experimenting with book binding since the workshop we had before christmas and I have learnt how to bind single sheets through tutorials online. I am going to use this method to bind this book together as there won't be and excessive number of pages and it will be printed on quite thick stock. I made myself a mini sketchbook to practice.
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