Tuesday 11 October 2016

Essay Plan

This is the current state of my essay plan and it is what I will be taking with me to my tutorial to be the basis of discussion. I have used the dissertation guidelines on estudio to re-structure my previous plan. 


Outline the topic I am investigating
Social responsibility as a gimmick to sell products. 
"anything is for sale and social commitment is just another gimmick for selling goods"
Define social responsibility. 
Define consumer culture. 

Why is it important? Why is it relevant to illustration?
Morals of creative practitioners. 
Ethics of selling. 
Consumer culture affecting morals of creatives.

My research question  - make it answerable.
To what extent is social responsibility a gimmick to sell products in consumer society?

Include sub questions if necessary

How am I going to investigate this project?

What research methods am I going to use?
Key theorists, case studies.
Am I doing any primary research? Survey?

Academic honesty - my motives and current position. 
My ideas of what I actually believe keep changing as I read more material. 
At the moment I agree that social responsibility is a gimmick but not to the extent that the person creating the work does not care for the cause at all. 
I think that the intended purpose of the work is played up to appear ethical to appeal to people’s better nature.

Main Body 1 - Context and Themes

Key theoretical sources
‘The Social Responsibility of the Artist’ - George Boas
Responsibility lies partly in the hands of the interpreter, not the creator. (Could use Barthes’ 'Death of the Author’ to back this up)

Connexity - Geoff Mulgan 
Positive change on any scale is beneficial to society. Changing one person’s mind about something and earning thousands of pounds for a charity are both examples of social change. 

Milton Glaser - ‘Ambiguity and Truth’ and The Road to Hell 
The public are becoming immune to being lied to. 

First Things First 2000 - Adbusters 2000 
Designers taking responsibility for tackling corporations and consumer culture. 

Henry Giroux - Benetton’s World Without Borders: Buying Social Change. 
Disturbing Pleasures: Learning Popular Culture. 

Naomi Klein - No Logo
Anti-corporation, anti-capitalism. 

Key contextual information

Quality of my evidence
Some might be outdated. 
Some writers who are against capitalism are contributing to it through the production, marketing and sales of their books.

Mini conclusion

Explanations of relevance to topic
Varied use of Harvard referencing. 

Main Body 2 - Case Studies of Practice

Analysis of specific works of art/design. (2 or 3)
United Colors of Benetton Advert - need to select one from campaigns book. 
H&M Autumn 2016 Advert “She’s a Lady” - saying its ok to not conform to the social standards of being a stereotypical lady, but suggests that their clothes will help you to not conform. 
Direct contact with Lisa Congdon in relation to podcast interview? 
Who else would be relevant?


Descriptive analysis

Apply theoretical and textual analysis. 
Use evidence to back up my own ideas. 
Relate the work to its context. 
Cultural or historical information is relevant. 
What has influenced the way I have interpreted it (morals).
H&M ad - it seems to be on trend to not fit the traditional female stereotype anyway
UCOB ad - imagery may not be as shocking anymore

Mini conclusion

Varied use of Harvard referencing.

Main Body 3 - Reflective Practice

Descriptive analysis of the work I have produced
Work based around the idea that people care but they don’t care enough to do anything about it. 
Being honest about people’s true attitudes towards social issues might encourage them to change them. 
People care more about products than people - consumer society. 

Project rationale, research methods, timescales, location, project management. 

Theoretical and contextual analysis of the work. 
Clearly explain the relevance or all the works referenced in main body 1 and 2. How have they affected my work and the decisions I have made?

How my work relates to my research question.
The idea that consumer society makes people think they care about current issues by buying into products. 
Social responsibility or companies becomes corrupt when the focus is still on the product rather than the change. 
If the focus on my imagery is around objects rather than people, almost void of human interaction and emotion then this could get the point across that physical things are a priority for people. 

How has my work helped the research for my research topic?
Understanding my own motives for what I am making. 
Do I really care about the cause or do I care more about the images I am making?
Understanding the mindset of someone producing work supposedly for a good cause OR the alternative, understanding the mindset of producing work for sale, but supposedly for a good cause. 

Varied use of Harvard referencing. 


Critical analysis.
Reflective practice. 
No new information. 
Pull together my research. 
Make an independent, informed conclusion to my question. 
Critical reflection on what I have found out. 
Academic tone, avoid first person. 
Varied use of Harvard referencing. 

Summarise findings of each chapter. 

What are the implications of these findings on illustration? My own practice and/or wider, e.g. social change…

Proposals for future research?

Successes and shortcomings of my research project. 
How well does my project synthesise theory and practice?
Research methods, processes, final outcomes. 

Link all conclusions to evidence from main body. 

Explicitly answer research question!

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