Wednesday 12 October 2016

Individual Tutorial 1

Feedback from Pete
I felt prepared for this tutorial and knew what I wanted to discuss the most, what I needed clarification on and where I had kept all my information. However, when I got in the room I realised all my papers were unorganised and at the end of the tutorial I realised I had been so distracted by the conversation (which had been really helpful and constructive) that I forgot to ask a couple of questions. So basically, for next time, I need to get myself a proper folder for all my print outs and maybe write a list of things I want to clarify the next time I have a tutorial. I really value the one on one time we are given for focus on our dissertation and I really want to make the most of it.

Practical Work
I have moved away from my initial idea about focussing on the specific issue of rehoming abandoned animals as I felt that my heart wasn't really in it and I don't like drawing dogs that much in all honesty. This kind of proves my own point at the moment, about caring but not caring enough to do anything about it. I don't mean to come across as an insensitive human being but I feel like this is a mindset which is shared by almost everyone about one issue or another.

Pete quoted me when I said 'I want something sale-able' when talking about my practical work. After reading that little criticism about Naomi Klein bashing capitalism but then contributing to it as well, I thought I would be able to show the full circle that this theory seems to go round by having a final practical outcome that theoretically could be sold as a product. This would highlight that whatever you do to pick at and criticise the system and society we live in, we somehow all contribute to its downfalls anyway. And thats how the cycle continues.

Anyway, on to what I need to do next.
  • Continue to refine my essay plan. 
  • Complete my time plan which still has some gaps here and there. 
  • Find some strong examples of the 'gimmick' in relation to social responsibility. I asked whether my examples needed to specifically be examples of illustration and I was told no, as long as they are used to answer the question. I can use my research into the practice of illustrators to tie this into my discipline. 
  • What questions would I want to ask Lisa Congdon and/or other illustrators who have a certain opinion on contributing to society. David Shrigley?
  • Read relevant chapters in No Logo by Naomi Klein. 
  • START WRITING! And have at least 1000 words complete by next individual tutorial. 

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