Wednesday 5 October 2016

Research Proposal Presentation Feedback

  • Too much to discuss, I have not yet made a decision on theorists/theories. 
  • Good research so far, I have done a lot of reading. 
  • Everything needs narrowing down, at the moment what I am proposing is too broad and I will have too much to talk about. 
  • How does my topic link specifically to illustration?
  • Benetton - who made the ads, what do they think?
  • Think about what processes I might want to use and plan my practical work around this. 
  • What imagery am I looking at. 
  • The idea of being sold your own values. 
  • Get my case studies sorted - try to use one image per case study. 
  • Insincere imagery of important/serious issues. 
  • Could my whole dissertation be based on criticising the Benetton essay quote about social responsibility being a gimmick?
  • The idea of reciprocity - give and take. 
  • Social psychology. 
  • My question (working title) is good. 
  • Start ignoring things! Only use what is relevant. 
  • Naomi Klein - No Logo
  • Huffington Post - breast cancer pink bands
  • Guinness tv advert. 
  • Selflessness - Richard Dawkins
What do I need to do next?
  • Pick 4 key theories, practitioners and case studies. 
  • Find images that could work alongside these. 
  • Wrap up what I am already reading and start researching fresh from this point in time. 
  • Take irrelevant books back to the library. 
  • Think in more depth about what I want to explore in my practical! URGENTLY. 
  • Change my proposed essay plan to fit with the guidelines on estudio.

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