Monday 10 October 2016

Guinness Advert Research

It was suggested that I have a look at the new Guinness TV advert and when I did I realised how this was relevant to my topic. Guinness have used rugby player Gareth Thomas in their ad and used the concept of coming out as gay and being able to rely on his team as the basis for the ad. It also raises the issue of equality in sport.

The advert links to my topic because Guinness have used a topic for their advert that will have a connection to a lot of people and they seem to be raising awareness or an issue in our society and battling against any negative stigma attached to it. The advert itself is empowering and shares a positive message, but if you look past this, Guinness are just trying to sell their product. 

I looked back at an older advert Guinness had done along the same theme. This advert was made in 1995 and after reading more about Guinness' campaigns, this was actually an effort to support the legalisation of gay marriage but unfortunately it was banned and never aired. This raises the question of whether making a slightly controversial advert (at the time) can create publicity around a brand and whether the brand intentions are to actually make a change or to just make an impact. 

I wanted to find out whether Guinness as a company did anything else to support the issues they raise in their adverts and after some research online I found out about the events of the St Patricks Day parade in New York in 2014.
This Daily Mail article tells the story of Guinness pulling out as the sponsor for the parade when there was controversy over the event organisers banning LGBT groups from carrying signs advertise their sexuality. 

The following year, Guinness ended their boycott and continued to sponsor the parade. 

Emmaia Gelman of Irish Queers said of the company’s decision to end the boycott: “It’s disappointingIt appears now that Guinness’s withdrawal last year was more of a PR move because the parade was coming under so much censure, and they’re taking the excuse of NBC’s gay employee group joining the parade as a way to put themselves back in.” -


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