Wednesday 12 October 2016

Methodologies and Ciritcal Analysis Lecture

  • Analysis 20% Evidence 20%
  • Why am I asking these questions?
  • Where am I going with this?
  • How can I get the best results?
  • Good criticality is essential!
METHODOLOGY - I need to have it!
  • What is my methodology and how do I evidence and document it?
  • I will already have a strategy, I just need to recognise it, evaluate it and document it. 
  • Use the word METHODOLOGY to point out when and where I am doing this. 
  • A methodology is a logical, systematic and structured way of organising a research project. 
  • It is a set of methods/rules. 
  • My methodology should have reflected on the various research methods available to me and chosen the best ones appropriate.
  • The methodology with been unique to each project. I need to defend my approach and say why I have chosen to do things this way. 
METHODS ARE TOOLS - questionnaires, interviews, reading, internet, observation, drawing, reflecting, etc. 
METHODOLOGIES ARE DISCUSSIONS OF THESE TOOLS - selection of the best, the study of methods, theoretical. 

Analyse methods with the aim of highlighting their LIMITATIONS. 
  • Recognising their downfalls leads to being academically honest. 
  • Will a certain approach give me certain answers?
  • Avoid self-delusion. Be aware that what we are researching is not fully the truth. 
  • What are the limitations of what I am finding out?
  • What is the validity of it all?
Palgrave Study Skills
Literature Review

Outline methodology in the introduction of my dissertation. Defend my approach. 
Be precise about what the main texts are and make it better by saying what they add to my studies. 

  • Be informed.
  • Select the most appropriate option from a range of options. 
  • More like SKEPTICISM - try and find what is wrong with it to disprove it. 
  • Reasoned thinking. 
  • Look at the work of artists and designers or defend my choice to not do that. 
  • BIAS - consider different points of view. 
  • Be critical of my own practice as well as the practice of others. 
Evaluate design decisions based on theoretical research. 

  • ARGUMENT should have a coherent underpinning. 
  • What do I want to say?
  • How am I going to answer my question?
  • Any point I make needs to be based on evidence, not just my opinion. 
  • Acknowledge an alternate view. 
(See examples of bad arguments on presentation slides.)

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