Saturday 1 October 2016

Idea for Practical Work

The official briefing for this module cleared up a lot of concerns I had with where my project was going and whether I was thinking along the right lines. I want to make visuals for this project on a more specific topic than the themes my dissertation is exploring. Reading some dissertations and being shown some examples of last year’s graduating work has helped me to understand now that my practical work should not just be illustrating what I am writing, which I think has been my downfall in cop one and two. I have always struggled with the practical side of context of practice and it has led me to leave the development of my visuals til late on in the process and as a result I have created generic and uninspiring outcomes. I don’t want this to happen again!

What do I want to draw? What issues are important to me|? How can these link?

Natural forms - looking after the environment, food education, healthy living, diet
Dementia - old fashioned objects, old people are great to draw (could I cope with getting deep into this subject?) 
Animals - animal cruelty, rehoming abandoned animals, problems with breeding domestic animals, the ‘designer dog’ 

These are a few ideas I have come up with based on what I like to draw, however in my mind I have an idea of the route this project is going to take. I love drawing animals and it is something I want to get better at. It is something very commercially viable, especially in the realm of pets. At this point in time I am thinking that my practical side for this project is going to battle against the rise of the ‘designer dog’ and push forward the idea that there are loads of abandoned dogs (and maybe other animals too) that need rehoming. 

I think this fits really well the the direction that my written work is going in at the moment because the underlying motive for this work could either be to raise awareness of this issue and make a change to the number of dogs being re-homed or it could also be to take advantage of people's better nature to profit from making pictures of cute animals. Where is the line drawn between the two?

The drawing begins here! I have bought a sketchbook specifically for this and I intend to get cracking with it. 

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