Tuesday 25 October 2016

Individual Tutorial 2

Notes from tutorial: 
  • Maybe find a focus for chapter two that all my other sources can be pitched against. 
  • Use smaller pieces of information (not from main theorists) to support the theories. 
  • Be rigorous with referencing, don't leave anything to chance of being misunderstood as my own words.
  • Use a few different social issues for visual experimentation.
It was good to get some feedback on my 1000 word draft of my context and themes chapter. I know a lot of it needs rewording but I now know that I need to make sure that the points I am making about different theories and theorists need to relate back to my essay question clearly. I need to try and use the wording of my question in my text to make these connections clear. I have to add a few more theorists including Klein and Geoff Mulgan. When I have done this I need to go back and start focussing on how I am writing and making sure that all my sentences make sense and flow well. 

I need to find some more examples, they are easy to find because there is so many but I need to select a few good ones that there is enough information about to write about. Pete clarified that it is not necessary for me to go into loads of detail about each case I find, they can be used to support or oppose other more in depth case studies or in my context and themes chapter as examples. 

I mainly had research to show for my practical work, not my own drawings which is starting to panic me a bit. I need to decide on some social issues to give me some subject matter to work with. I raised the issue of how many social issues I should be looking at, I felt that only focussing on one issue would mean that issue would become the focus of my project, when really I want the deceptive ideas behind it that I am finding out in my essay to be the focus, if that makes sense. Pete suggested that starting with around three to five issues would be good for experimentation but this will probably need to be narrowed down as the project progresses. We also spoke about how I could look at how the responsibility could be shifted from company to consumer or vice versa depending on how the issue is tackled. 

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