Tuesday 25 October 2016

Naomi Klein - No Logo (1)

Introduction: A Web of Brands

p xviii
  • People don't take much time to look past the brands themselves and look at what they are actually doing. Does this match to the image they put out to their consumers?
Chapter One: New Branded World

  • The idea of marketing isn't about the actual object for sale, it is about the image of the brand. It is almost as if the product itself is taking second place. 
  • The company still wants to make profits but can see that there is alternative way to doing this than just distributing their products. 
  • "brand essence" and "corporate consciousness" suggests that the brand has human-like feelings and actually cares about the world. 
  • By making the brand more humanlike, so to speak, it is easier to infiltrate people's lives as it connects with them emotionally and has the same cultural concerns as them. 
  • The world of advertising is a continuous competition about who can get the most attention so they are always thinking of new ways to get to the top. As advertising progresses it becomes more 'intrusive' which suggests it is forcing itself into people's lives. 
  • The idea of people becoming immune to advertising is interesting, its all about making something more and more powerful to get through to the consumers. When you have to push to do something like this, this is often where morals no longer take a priority.
  • "Brands not products!" speaks for itself. 
  • Changing the idea of what was being sold meant that people are buying into a lifestyle or experience rather than a physical thing. 
  • 'a way of life, an attitude, a set of values, a look, an idea' 
  • It is almost as if people feel they need to buy into these brands to prove that these are their own morals and values. 
  • I find the swatch statement is ridiculous, how can a company put a price on the idea of time and still manage to sell products from this. Do people actually believe this?

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