Sunday 24 April 2016

COP3 - Combining Ideas?

I am wondering if it is possible to find some common ground between the two areas I have been looking into...

Themes relating to question 4: To what extent do technological developments in production and distribution impact on illustration? 
online publications, gifs, animation, phone apps, digital age, digital takeover, social media, advertising, accessibility, being watched, being programmed, subconscious advertising, manipulation, targeted advertising, attention span, throwaway society, is illustration in a digital form appreciated as much as in physical form?, artificial intelligence, can creativity be mimicked with technology? is it purely a human trait? can creativity be programmed? is there a formula? 

Themes relating to question 1: What is good? To what extent does social responsibility impact on the role and function of illustration?
Morals, ethics, world issues, the environment, health, technology, conflict, politics, religion, values, protection, warnings, advice, information, education, positivity, wellbeing, speaking the truth, sharing opinion, battling oppression, freedom of speech, battling censorship, hearing everyone's voice, taboo subjects, crime, rehabilitation, sharing experiences, selective information, advertising, targeting weaker audiences, corporations,  power, consumerism, capitalism, who to work for and who not to work for, morals over money or money over morals? content over technical ability or the reverse? communication, comment, having an opinion, 

Common ground...

Looking at whether it is ethical to be using technology in such a way to target people with advertising to the extent that they cannot escape it. It is integrated into every part of our lives, especially through digital media - television, phones, online, location GPS, cookies...

Is it possible for creativity to be created? If it is, wha are the moral implications of doing so? Does it limit freedom of speech for real humans? Creative industries is what share messages of real people - should this be taken over by a corporation as well?

How does technology enforce censorship in the media? Can the truth be shared online or only through underground means?

From writing all of this, I have realised that it is the 'what is good?' question that interests me the most. I find the concept of artificial intelligence really interesting but most of my ideas for research proposals stem back to whether the concept is ethical/moral or not. I have gone through and highlighted the themes that I found particularly interesting and I think might have some potential. I know I have highlighted most of it but I am starting to understand more where I want this to go. 

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