Sunday 24 April 2016

Publication Development

These were some layout ideas for the internal pages. I don't have enough time to do more than one image for each page so I am going to stick to one image, two or three blocks of text, a name and age for each. 

It is important that the whole publication looks handmade because I want it to feel personal as these are the stories of individual people. I also want it to rebel against the structured, box-ticking method of categorising that nationality currently follows. I wanted to show more freedom and individuality with my work. This needs to continue through the text so I am going to write it all by hand.

This is a plan for the whole book. I noticed that the layout is very restricted by having a full bleed image where the picture of the person goes off the page at the bottom. To solve this I am going to make the images vignettes which can be placed anywhere on the page, this will help the layout to vary and flow.

Revised plans for internal pages. 

For the cover, I have come up with the idea of making it look like a passport which received some good feedback in the recent crit. I want this to contribute to the idea of challenging perceptions by making it look like it is going to be a cliché novelty souvenir purchase when actually it is going to question the reader and provoke thought. I have chosen the title 'The Pocket Guide to Being British' as it gives off the 'gift shop' vibe which can then be contrasted with the content inside. 

I am pleased with how this is going so far. I am kicking myself for leaving this task until so late in the project but I have had a battle with finding the right idea and now I have landed on this I feel like I am running with it and it is going well. 

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