Thursday 14 April 2016

Publication Development

These are some examples of some rough drawings I did around the themes of the points in the policy. I feel my ideas at the moment are quite cliche but for an audience of children, maybe its wise not to steer this too far away from the obvious for fear of them misunderstanding it.  

This is a plan of each page in the book, obviously at a very basic stage. It would be a twelve page publication with each point in the policy taking up one individual page alone. I have been trying to link the activity to the point of the page but this is proving difficult. I can't help but feeling that this approach to my publication is dumbing the subject down a lot and not allowing me to use my research to its full potential. 

This was a mock up of an individual page, if I'm honest, I don't like it. To me, it does look like something that would exist in a book similar to the one I am proposing, however this doesn't mean that I see it as successful. Like I said before, I feel like the topic is being overly simplified and it has no impact or lesson in it. 

I am going to take what I have done so far to the crit on Friday and air my concerns about my work. Hopefully explaining my ideas to other people will make it clearer in my own head or make me realise that the book has no real potential. 

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