Thursday 21 April 2016

Megacrit Feedback

This has been one of the rare moments during this module where I have actually been pleased and quite confident with what I have to show at a crit. I know I should be further along with my book by now but I feel I have a clear idea that I can just be getting on with. I think I have learnt from this module that being organised with what I bring to the crit directly impacts the quality of the feedback I get. The feedback I received was generally positive and offered suggestions of things I should consider. I really liked the format of the crit today, pairing up and spending 15 minutes on one person's project meant I was able to give and receive more in depth comments which I hope will be more helpful. 

Feedback Sheet

My Response

My peers said my research was in depth and thorough which I agree with to some extend but obviously I think I could and should have done more. 

I am pleased that it was clear what my progression had been from my essay to my publication, I tried to explain this well with the blogposts I printed and the notes I scribbled down to help guide people through the journey. I am glad it doesn't just look like I am directly illustrating my essay.

I agree with the comment about the composition of the book pages needing to flow. I had sketched out the pages with very similar formats and I am aware this might get repetitive and boring. In response to this, I could think about mixing it up a bit and showing different body parts such as hands or hair to show the person instead of generic portrait. This would work especially well if the image was directly relevant to the wording. 

From the positive comments I receive about this, I am going to go ahead with using an adaptation of the British passport as the cover of my book. I am also going to mimic the size so it actually looks like one from a distance - this will visually represent the concept of challenging perceptions as it is not what it seems. 

I agree with the comments stating that I need to do experimentation, I know I do, I need to get on with it. I have booked a printing slot for Tuesday and I am aiming to finish my book by Sunday so that I can spend next week tying up loose ends in my essay, writing an evaluation and preparing for submission. 

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