Tuesday 26 April 2016

Final Publication

This is my final publication, it is printed at the scale of a standard to add to the idea of challenging perceptions. I am really pleased with the outcome after having so much confusion earlier on in the process about what to base my publication on. 

I am slightly disappointed that the cover printed much darker than I thought it would (it also showed up dark in previous ISSUU presentations and i'm still not sure why) and also, when the cover was folded, the edge has cracked to reveal white. It doesn't make that much of a difference but to em it lowers the quality of it as a final piece. In the future I should talk to James in the print room and ask if there is a better paper to use that would avoid this problem. 

I think the publication looks better with more colour on the internal pages, it brings a bit more life to it. I am also pleased I only chose to have questions on the introduction and summary pages because it directs the thinking towards the reader and they can form their own opinions. Hopefully the time spent reading the book between these two pages will alter challenge their preconceptions or at least make them think about the topic in a bit more depth. 

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