Wednesday 20 April 2016

Olivier Kugler Research

I looked into Olivier Kugler's work for some reportage inspiration. I like the way the text is broken up a bit on the page, as if little snippets have been written down separately as part of a conversation. It makes it seem more informal, especially with the drawn in their usual surroundings. It seems very real and unstated which is an approach I want to imitate. One concern with having the text being spaced out like this is that this might not work on the smaller scale I am working to, especially with this amount of text. I think the wiring needs to be kept concise but still needs to be written in an informal way, as if it had been spoken, not written. 

I should think about including visual elements other than just the portrait/figure. I feel I might be able to get across more information this way. An alternative idea would be to have it just as the portrait with no visual representation of the wording. This would get across the idea that we are all the same and nobody really knows anyone else's identity or heritage from a first glance. It might help to battle against prejudice and fit with the theme of the book, challenging perceptions of what British is. 

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