Monday 25 April 2016

Final Imagery for Publication

From my previous sketches, I draw out my final images in ink, I then used tracing paper to add colour in pencil crayon. I merged these two layers together on photoshop and made relevant alterations to colour. 

The writing actually went better than expected once I had become comfortable with writing in a certain way. I often have trouble keeping my handwriting the same for a long period of time but this task forced me to do so. I was going to personalise each one and use a different type for each name but this just added unnecessary complications and my main focus at the moment is just working hard to get this completed to a standard I am happy with. I have made the mistake many times before of overcomplicating tasks and it not always working out for the best. I think I am learning. 

I have included screenshots of the internal pages which I printed out and made a small mockup of. Physically looking through this was helpful to me. I felt like more colour was needed so I am going to increase the saturation of the imagery and also add colour to the name and age. 

To make the front cover, I traced a large copy of the emblem on the front of a passport and simplified it as I went over this in ink. As I was working on this I realised that I could hint at the concept of globalisation by changing the coat of arms in the centre to a globe. I like this subtle hint to the topic because I don't think many people would notice it at a first glance but they probably would after they have read and understood the concept of the book. 

Again, fitting in with the handmade theme of the book, I printed off the text for the cover in Times New Roman and used this as a template for writing the letters in ink. I like the slightly wobbly and wonky edges, it shows that there is something different about it but it is similar enough to the original to look real from a distance. 

For the inside cover I made a simple repeat pattern, after experimenting briefly with colour I settled for the black and white version but at a lower opacity. I felt that it wasn't too overpowering like the others could have been. It will also work well as the inside cover sits alongside the intro and summary pages which are just black writing on a white background. 

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