Friday 15 April 2016

Peer Feedback


The main feedback I received on my activity book was that it was a good idea but it didn't match the level of concept, analysis and intellect of my essay. I think the title of my essay makes it sound more intellectual than it actually is, but I appreciated the comment and I agree that the book is dumbing down the research I have done and is not allowing me to push mu ideas for fear of it not fitting the audience. 

At first, my group and I discussed about how my current idea could be adapted to show a deeper meaning and it was suggested that I research early British values from the 40s and 50s to show a contrast to what they are like today. I could use a 50s art style in my modern day book to try to get across the contrast. I like this idea but I'm still not finding it interesting. 

As I spoke more about my essay and research, the idea came up about peoples attitudes to nationality and how I could use this in a visual way. It could be a case of nationalists vs people open to the merging of cultures. After this, I thought about a series of case studies and using the book as a way to tell different people's stories and how this has affected how they value their nationality. 

I spoke to Pete after the session because I was feeling very lost with the whole project. I felt like whenever U received feedback I seemed to come away with a totally different idea, I understand that the project needs to evolve but by this point in the module, I was hoping to have had a more solid plan. We spoke about the activity book and how the whole concept of the policy is very overanalyse and based on 'box ticking'. Even by trying to enforce equality and respect between people, it can often cause unfairness and labelling in the process. 

Overall, I need to be more brave with my ideas and decisions. For this module, I know I have been seeking approval of my ideas because I don't have a lot of confidence in my ideas on this topic. I think I need to trust my own thoughts and just run with an idea that I feel has the potential to work well. 

Self Evaluation

What works well and how will I capitalise on it?
I think the progression from my essay to the ideas for my publication are well connected but not too literally. I will try to capitalise on this by working on both tasks in parallel so they can influence each other and also do more research to develop the concepts.

What could be improved and how will I benefit from this?
I could be doing more drawing and development work and using drawing as a method of research. This might help me to come up with more interesting ideas and battle through the clichés. 

What could I do differently and what would this achieve?
I should not be neglecting my essay so much, I feel like I have done very little work on it since the draft submission. It is important to keep my essay on track so the information can potentially cross over into my publication. 

What am I learning by responding to this brief and why is it important?
1. I am learning to analyse my research better which is important to make sure I only use relevant information. 
2. I am learning about time management and how poor I have been at it with this module, it is important for me to learn about this now so that I can make changes for Cop3. 
3. I am learning to be more confident with my ideas and trust my judgement more, this is important as the course workload is becoming increasingly independent. 

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