Tuesday 22 November 2016

Draft Alterations

This is what I have of my essay so far, it is a draft of chapter two and three. I wanted to show the process I have found the most effective for revising my drafts. There have been a few of these already and there will be many more to come but I don't feel its necessary to share all of them on my blog, but this is the process I am going through. I read through my printed draft and make any annotations that I feel need changing such as sentence structure, adding in connections to theorists, putting in new quotes and shifting the structure, etc. I then take the notes from the tutorial and add in any suggestions Pete has made and make notes of anything else discussed in the session that might need changing. This leaves me with a plenty of things to alter and improve as I go through my draft on screen and edit the text. I have found writing these notes by hand so much easier, i'm not sure why but my thoughts seem to wander so much more when I am writing on screen. 

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