Monday 14 November 2016

The Social Responsibility of the Artist (2) - Howard Richards

Richards, H. (1966) The Social Responsibility of the Artist. Ethics. 76(3), p.221-224.

'The social responsibility of the artist is to improve the public's taste.' (page 221)

'As used here, "taste" is roughly equivalent to "response," perhaps better, "responses related to valuing"' ... 'The public taste is how the public responds.' (page 223)

  • This quote clearly states that there is a responsibility that lies with the artist, it suggests that they have a responsibility of bettering the public’s responses and opinions. This contradicts other quotes I have found.
...'axiomatic that one is responsible for what one does, that is to say, that one is responsible for one's actions.' (page 221)
  • axiomatic - unquestionable 
  • This is a view that someone should take responsibility for their actions, this similar to what we are taught during childhood, similar to actions have consequences. However, this opinion doesn’t seem to appreciate the lack of clarity of intentions when the artwork reached the receiver. Things aren’t always black and white. 
'cause and accountability are linked' (page 221)
  • Actions have consequences - this is a basic idea that remains true to some extent. I suppose it depends on how far the receiver’s interpretation strays from the intentions of the artist. 
'Effects occur in the lives of the viewer, the reader, the listener, that are partially caused by the artist.' (page 221)
  • ‘partially’ is the key word here. It shows an agreement that there is a grey area. 
'The term "artist" is an honorific term.' ... 'the person so honoured has integrity.' (page 221) 
  • Links to status, place in society, power, etc. Does this immediately impart a sense of responsibility when someone is in this position. 
'The artist is not wholly responsible for shaping the character of modern man; he is only an accomplice.' (page 222)
  • Can be used in triangulation with Boas and others who have opinions on where the responsibility lies between creator and receiver. 
'art plays a part in cultural change' (page 222)
  • Pretty self explanatory, this will be a good quote to use to state a fact not just plucked out of thin air. 

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