Tuesday 22 November 2016

Individual Tutorial 4

Tutorial Notes

I totally understand what Pete means about my writing style so far. I do tend to write as I speak which is fine for me to read because I understand it. However, the sentence structures are not logical and I use a lot of unnecessary words in a sentence. It will be through revising and re-revising what I have written that a better academic writing style will start coming together. 

I am a worried about my practical work. Although I have had a bit of breakthrough with it during this tutorial, I still feel like I don't have nearly enough work. The pressure is starting to get to me and this is normally when I am my most productive - I really need to force myself to keep doing sketchbook work and thinking through drawing. 

I have been able to recognise the connections I already have between my practical work and essay but talking to Pete about it today has enforced that the connection isn't being fully made yet. For the connection to be clear and for the synthesis to take place, I need to bring products into my practical work. At the moment I am exploring the idea of a campaign and social issued but I need to bring in what I am learning from my essay and show how an idea/issue can be sold through a product. I am calling this the 'wagamama moment'. 

This is the image that helped the penny drop. It stemmed from an advert I saw on Facebook. 


Reviewing Time Plan

I have been poor with my time plan for this module. I have been way too optimistic with what I could get done - not necessarily workload-wise but just thinking that I would have all this information straight in my head and that I would just be able to get on with it. In reality the thinking behind this project has been hard and its hard to predict when writing a time plan when the key moments are going to be. 

Where I really let myself down was in the first few weeks of the project - this was probably because I felt so lost with it all and I didn't really know where it was going. I didn't get any primary research done but in hindsight, it wouldn't have been an effective use of my time to send out a survey on a topic I didn't fully understand yet. At that point I did not know what direction my project was going in and looking back, the reason I probably kept putting off the task of writing a survey was because I didn't really need one. One thing I do wish I had done is send some questions out to creative practitioners to get the opinion of the 'middleman' in my argument. 

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