Wednesday 9 November 2016

Individual Tutuorial 3

Notes from tutorial:


Pete has given me plenty of suggestions of more things to look at. I am hoping some of them will help me with forming an argument around my image examples. I really want to have a clear structured argument for each of my chapters with quotes that I want to use because I don't want the research process to be continuing for much longer. I need to leave myself time to go through my writing and make sure all my sentences are structured well and they make sense. At the moment I am in the habit of just spilling out what's in my mind onto the page which is good in some ways but it means it is written in quite a conversational tone.

I must admit I have neglected cop in this past week due to painting the virgin media box and catching up on my blogging but I now feel like I am at a place with my workload where I am able to progress forward. Cop is definitely going to be my main priority this week, I can't afford to let it fall behind. 

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