Thursday 3 November 2016

Self Evaluation

What do you think works well?
I am developing a concept well but other than that I feel like everything is lacking. 

How will you capitalise on it?
Drive the concept forward through drawing to get a good body of work together. Experiment, explore and test!

What do you think could be improved?
Self evaluation. I am okay at blogging what I am doing but I feel like I have neglected the evaluative and reflective side of the blogging process.

How will you benefit from this?
Reflecting on how my work is going more often will help me to choose what's working and what isn't.

What do you need to revise?
I am going to revise my time plan. I'm not at the point I thought I would be at by this point. Instead of playing catch up and stressing out over it I am going to re-write this plan.

What would you achieve from this?
It would make my workload manageable again. It's not like I'm really far behind, the plan won't need many changes but I'd just prefer for it to be relevant and realistic.

What actions will you take in response to the peer review session?

What? More sketchbook work. 
Why? It will help make my idea clearer in my head. I also might face some more questions and problems which need to be solved and answered sooner rather than later. 

What? Go back over my project and recognise where synthesis has taken place. 
Why? Because it is important that I identify this and make it clear. I know that there is a connection but I need to make sure other people reading through my project can see it too. 

What? Blog things I have found that I have decided are not relevant. 
Why? It is important to show that there is decision making happening between what is relevant and what isn't. WHY have I chosen not to use something? 

What have you gained from the peer feedback session?
A bit more confusion, but good confusion! I need to go away and answer these questions buzzing in my head through my sketchbook work. I feel like I need to up my game with my blog. Although I am keeping on top of it, I want to make sure I am actually saying everything I want to say to make my whole process more understandable. 

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