Wednesday 23 November 2016

Revised Time Plan

Editing my time plan to fit where I am in my project right now made me realise that I am not as behind as I thought I was. I think the pressure of the module and the pace of the work has made me think that I am constantly playing catch up but actually I am more or less around the stage that I should be according to my original plan. My practical work is a little behind but I'm hoping to catch up with this as soon as possible. 

I have been able to fill in the last few weeks more precisely now I have a clearer idea of what I am doing. I have been guilty of not looking at this plan each week when I start work for this module which obviously is not very good practice. I also said that I would review my progress each week which is also something I have neglected and have only done a couple of times. I am telling myself now that I need to pay more attention to my time plan and make sure these later weeks of the module go to schedule. 

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