Monday 5 December 2016

Brief Reflection

I feel like I'm going round in circles with my practical work, one minute I think its working and then I totally doubt that it is answering the brief, that it links to my essay or just generally that my ideas aren't good enough. 

Revisiting my Brief

A body of imagery based on current social issues.
This is what I am making, I am just confusing myself with the agenda behind it. I think I have made the concept too complicated - more so than it needs to be. 

Highlight the issue.
This happens when the imagery can be related back to the social issue. Any recognisable acknowledgement of the issue raises awareness of it. 

Satirise the concept that nothing will be done about it.
How do I do this? Am I already doing it?
I feel like this is already being shown by the idea that the imagery I am making does not offer any real solution to the social issue, it is not a campaign, it is imagery based on the issue. 
The fact that these designs will be applied onto sellable products shows the idea of the 'gimmick'. I don't think the gimmick needs to be shown directly in my imagery because it is made clear with the contextualisation of my work. I think I need to re-write my brief to get across what I actually mean. 

Wear your values! 
One thing I do need to push is the virtue signalling. There needs to be a clear message of 'I care about this issue' - I need to work on this aspect. I think this will help with developing the gimmick and virtue signalling present here. For this to work the imagery needs to appear genuine but the application and contextualisation needs to enforce the idea of the gimmick. 

I also need to stop trying to link my practical work directly to my essay. This is where I went wrong in previous years where I ended up illustrating my essay and producing disappointing outcomes. There is a link between my practical work and my written work but I need to focus on this brief now on its own and go with it. I suppose I'm afraid of my final practical project not perfectly showing what my essay says but THIS DOES NOT MATTER. 

Note to self: Treat the brief like a normal brief and get on with it. 

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