Wednesday 14 December 2016

The Market - Edited by Natasha Degen

‘The connection between certain useful objects and the sense of pleasure has become so well established for the species through inheritance or some other mechanism, that the mere sight of these objects becomes pleasurable even in the absence of any utility.’ 
  • I like the concept behind this quote and I think it does relate to my topic. If you replace the word pleasure with meaning/value it makes sense that even if a product is pointless, it doesn’t matter because people will still think it is doing good. I am not going to use this quote though because it steers my argument onto a bit of a tangent. 

Kruger - ‘I shop therefore I am’ 
‘consumption as the hallmark of identity’
  • Buying values - use to support this argument (Klein’s selling an image statement). This quote states that as much as brands produce this image, consumers never fail to buy into it. 
Philip Morris - ‘It takes art to make a company great.’ 
  • Can be used to support the argument that art can inspire change and that art can influence people. 
… ‘it was not until the twentieth century that artist proposed a more analytical engagement with the context of art and began radically to question the socio-political and economic structures of the art system.’
  • Art as a business. Having a conscious as an artist. Link this to Congdon quotes about money and responsibility for society and making a difference. 

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