Friday 30 December 2016

Practitioner Research

These are the artists I have been looking at in relation to my practical work. 

Alan Vest
  • The combination of line and collage is relevant to what I intend to produce. 
  • Although I won't be drawing faces, I can take inspiration from his varying line weight to play with depth in my images. 
  • Colour is something I still need to consider. The black and white line work gives the image stability - as my work needs to looks quite unstable maybe I would be better working in full colour. 
Lucii Robinson
  • Drawing over an existing image would be a good idea to explore in my sketchbook - layers!
  • The images appear agitated and stressed, there is definitely the element of confusion that I am trying to achieve. 
  • The image on the right is more successful in my opinion, maybe it is the multimedia approach that gives the image another dimension as appose to just line work. 
Martin Haake

  • Collage based work - connects to the shape aspect of the work I am producing. 
  • These images are not representational of real life, they have a warped perspective and unrealistic figures. 
  • I like the textures in this work - it brings an element of the real world into this strange, misshapen world. Maybe scanned or printed textures/patterns could be included in my work to get across a sense of the real world still existing as part of the distorted world someone with dementia can see. It would be like confused familiarity. 
Jackie Parsons

  • She includes mark making, pattern, print, collage, photography, etc in her imagery. A total mix of media and resources. 
  • I like that not all the layers match up perfectly and you can see the contrast between the different media and processes used. 
  • Good reference for looking at building up an image in layers. 

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