Sunday 4 December 2016

Sketchbook Work - Using Brands

From my peer review feedback and realisation in past tutorials, I took the advice to include brands in my work. I had hit a spectacular rut with my practical work, whenever I sat down to do it I just couldn't put pen to paper so I used print outs of products which use animal testing to get me started. 

I like where my sketchbook work is going at the moment. I feel like I am discovering a tone of voice for this brief as before I had been unsure as to what this would be. I think a slightly humorous approach could be the way to go with this as it makes the products a bit more controversial. Some would say they do well to raise awareness whereas others may say it diminishes the seriousness of the issue - I personally feel that both are partially true. This work is really out of my comfort zone and I never usually do things like this. It feels good to be making work with an opinion and a stronger message than the themes I am used to working with. 

My drawings here are to help me find how I want this project to progress, the visual style here is not what I intend to carry forward. However, the collage element may work in some places, this is something I will have to consider in the development of my images. 

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