Tuesday 27 December 2016

Sketchbook Cameras

  • Applying the symptoms of dementia visually onto a product
  • Continuous line - trying to show confusion, a tangle, wobbly, some areas are faded, reflecting the mindset of someone with dementia. 
  • Brushpen - loose drawing, not as successful as pencil crayon. Child-like drawing - shows how they think they are younger than they are, they can have childlike tendencies too. 
  • Combining media - I like the idea of layers… some is real world, some is confused world. Pieces don’t fit together properly. Overall confused image. The piecing together of the different elements goes a little wrong as the pieces aren’t in the right place, this shows how a person with dementia sees the world.
  • Ink - fluidity. Things are changing. Fading. Patchy. Having some things in clarity and some blurred. 
  • Pushing the layers idea. Neat and structured but still not pieced together correctly. Think back to my collages in previous sketchbook...
Ideas for development 

Keep going with the layers idea. This is working well and I can see this working across the set of images.
The pencil crayon drawings (pages 8-9 on issuu) were the most successful in my opinion. Maybe having multiples of the same object distorted to look different could be a good approach, it makes the subject matter easier to understand but emphasises the distortion and confusion that is taking place. I think the colour versions are working well, this is something to look into and make some decisions about - what colour scheme will I be working to?
I thought the combination of continuous line drawings and shape would have worked out better than they ddi so I am a bit disappointed by this. Maybe I am just to using the right media for each component. I think the line work needs to be finer and the shapes should stay bolder. Look at practitioners who use continuous line. Would a variety of media in the same image work well? 

Push the idea of confusion. Disorientation, agitation, reference to verbal stuttering, sight issues and not believing reality will all stem from this. 

I like the idea that cameras represent making memories because it feels relevant to the issue of dementia, although I will need to find a range of relevant subject matter for my final images. More research and inspiration needed here. 

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