Wednesday 21 December 2016

Emmerdale Dementia Episode

I saw an advert for an episode of Emmerdale solely based on one character suffering with dementia and thought it would be worth a watch. I know enough about Emmerdale to follow the storyline so I thought this would be a good insight into the effect dementia has on people. 

The main character in this episode (Ashley) is suffering with early-onset dementia. The episode has been created in partnership with dementia experts and charities. 


Contrast between real life and what ashley sees/thinks. Ashley is actually in his pyjamas after walking out of hospital but he believes he is properly dressed.

Characters were changed to lookalikes to show an inability to recognise people. 

Unable to recognise everyday things like money.

Returning to the original village the soap used to be filmed in. The character believes to be living in another time - he speaks about returning home to his mum who has been dead for years. 

Blackouts, problems with vision, feeling disorientated.
Unable to recognise pictures, seeing them as shapes or distortions. 

People’s attitudes towards Ashley - impatient, not understanding, aggressive, patronising, some are helpful and understanding but Ashley is not trusting. 

He feels he is still capable of being independent. 

Overreacting, agitated, paranoia. 

Problems with speech, stuttering, outbursts. 

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