Sunday 4 December 2016

PETA Merchandise Research

I thought the majority of the products available here were so direct and to the point that it could be off-putting to potential buyers. Virtue signalling is definitely taking place here as the products do nothing other than raise awareness. However the idea of making a direct written statement as far more blunt than what I am proposing with my own product range. 

I would describe the audience for these products as 'intense' anti-animal cruelty believers whereas I want my products to be appealing and appropriate for people with slightly more relaxed opinions too. This is important to the concept of my product range because the idea of the social issue being used as a gimmick to sell means it needs to appeal to a wider range of people than this. 

The words 'carry your message' pretty much sums up the virtue signalling I am basing this project on.

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