Wednesday 14 December 2016

The Meaning of Marxism - Paul D’Amato

‘Many young people who are horrified by the inequalities of capitalism are motivated by a belief that one can change the world by changing one’s own moral outlook and behaviour.’ (p25-26)
‘But this approach, though it might help its practitioner feel better about him/herself, doesn’t change anything.’ (p26)
People think that they are actually making a difference by buying products when really it inly really makes a difference within that person, not to society. 

‘…the idea that value is equal to price and price is determined by a commodity’s relative scarcity or abundance.’ (p50)

Use in chapter four when considering contextualisation - where will this be sold. Will it be worth more selling to a niche market? This could push the idea of the project being about making money rather than making a difference.

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