Friday 30 December 2016

1950s Research

After deciding which decade I wanted my imagery to be inspired by I did some visual research into the trends of the 1950s. 

  • Furniture is very shape based, curved lines or straight edges with rounded corners. 
  • Colours are bright yet not gaudy or overly loud. 
  • Patterns combine shape and line, some is very reminiscent of collaged paper. 
  • Colour schemes are usually three or four colours combined with black.
  • Patterns can be used as inspiration for colour schemes.
  • Fashion examples are shape based too, the female silhouette either appears very sculpted or very block-like. 
  • Colours are carried through to technology, as is shape. 
  • Technology could potentially provide subject matter for my images. 

My main finding from this research is the strong use of colour and shape. Layering of block colour and line is going to be the main way I construct my images. I want to use this 50s influence but also add a more contemporary twist to make it appeal to the consumers of today. 

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