Friday 30 December 2016

Lost Property - Short Film

Lost Property from Asa Lucander on Vimeo.

The film is about a lady who comes into a lost property office regularly with photos of items she has lost, the man who works there tries his best to help her find them. He shows her rooms specific to umbrellas, keys, etc, in the hope that she will find the one she lost, however he always fails to do so. As the film goes on the world becomes increasingly imaginative and fantasy-like until we realise it isn’t real at all. 

Instead of the photos being of just an object, they transform into memories on the page. The office transforms into their bedroom and it is discovered that the lady is suffering from memory loss and lives in a care home. 

Losing these objects is a metaphor for forgetting and finding them is remembering. I thought this was such a sensitive and heart warming way to show this, and the fact that her husband is there helping her to find these memories them shows the kind of support he is giving her. It is true that objects can be memories. 

Watching this film has steered me towards the kind of subject matter I want to work with - objects that hold memories and object that are commonly lost. This is still broad but things like keys, jewellery, records, souvenirs, etc all have a story behind them and a connected memory that is individual. 

Objects can represent memories. Therefore the visual distortion of objects in my practical work shows how memories are affected by dementia. 

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